CODIXX is given an award
On May 16th, CODIXX AG was one of three winners to receive the 2019 AURA Foreign Trade Award from the state of Saxony-Anhalt. This award recognizes companies from Saxony-Anhalt that are highly successful in foreign markets. The Foreign Trade Prize has been awarded since 2017 and is presented during Foreign Trade Day.
The prize was presented by Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann, the Minister of Economics. He was impressed by the achievements of the individual companies: "The three award winners are true foreign trade professionals. They have been extremely successful on foreign markets for years and are thus representative of many companies in the country that deliver top performance in their niche and also set international standards. I, too, am always surprised by the 'hidden champions' we have in the country. Respect!"
In addition to a certificate, the award-winning companies received a professional image film to support their global sales activities. In front of around 100 attendees, the image films of all award-winning companies were presented to the public for the first time and officially handed over to the companies for use.
CODIXX specializes in the development and manufacture of high-quality glass polarizers for the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectral ranges. Customers worldwide use the polarizers, known as colorPol®, for applications in metrology, medical technology and aerospace, among others. Sales in more than 40 countries worldwide enable a turnover of more than 80 percent through exports. The main sales markets include China, Europe and the USA. Thus, sales obstacles in one market could be compensated by targeted measures in other markets.
Sales Manager Ralf Werner and two other employees accepted the award on behalf of the management: "We are very pleased with this award, which we see as an incentive for further growth at home and abroad. Saxony-Anhalt has proven to be an optimal location for CODIXX AG, which is why we gladly accept this award."